Areas to Never Cup
Ensure that you not Cupping on - or near - an Artery.
In some areas of the body, the arteries are much closer to the skin and should never be Cupped. The areas to avoid are:

Front of the body:
A. Common Carotid Artery – located on each side of the neck
B. Axillary Artery – located in the armpit
C. Brachial Artery – located on the inside bend of the elbow
D. Femoral Artery – located in the groin area or the inside fold of each leg at the pelvis
E. Linea Alba – located at the connection of the muscles of the abdomen
F. Temporal Region – avoid using strong suction in the temporal region as the Temporal Artery and facial nerves are in this area and are extremely delicate
Back of the body:
G. Popliteal Artery - located on the back side of the knee
H. Kidneys – Cupping should be done minimally when directly over the kidneys